MacBook Prose

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Lapinator - If you can't stand the heat...

Anybody that has used the Apple MacBook Pro for any more than about 20 minutes will definitenly agree that this piece of equipment gets pretty hot (iStat Pro is currently telling me that my laptop is running at about 60 degrees). This is why they are called notebooks instead of 'Lap'tops these days.

This is where a new product called the Lapinator comes in. Made from 3M's Type B Thinsulate, the Lapinator acts as a barrier between your scorchingly hot laptop and your lap by blocking 95% of the heat generated by your laptop. Available in two sizes, the 13 inch Lapinator, or the the 18 inch Lapinator Plus will fit either your MacBook or MacBook Pro (both 15 and 17 inch models).

More information on the Lapinator product line is available on their product site here.

Or you can purchase either the Lapinator or the Lapinator Plus at their online store here


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