MacBook Prose

Friday, July 21, 2006

SuperDuper - "Heroic System Recovery for Mere Mortals"

Since I got my MacBook Pro, I really have used it for everything and as a result this machine is the sole repository for all my my photos, documents, movies and music. So, if anything happened to it............DISASTER!!!

To deal with this, I have got myself an external hard drive now and was looking for a program to help manage the backing up process and the brilliantly named SuperDuper! was recommended to me.

SuperDuper! allows you to create a fully bootable backup, meaning that recovery (in the event of the aforementioned DISASTER) is straight forward.

Available in two versions:

Free Version - Allows you to back up and clone your drives.....Download it here

Paid Version ($27.95) - Gives you access to the Scheduling feature, smart updates, Sandboxes, scripting and more......available here


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