MacBook Prose

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Back to work

I've been away on holiday, away from notebooks and internet connections for 10 days. I have to say that it was certainly more pleasant to be staring out over the ocean under a clear blue sky than at a computer screen. That said, it is starting to feel like I was never away having been back at work for two days.

On the flipside, I am back on the MacBook Pro and trying to remember all the things that I learned over my first couple of weeks with a Mac notebook.

I am in the process of going through what seem to the common issues that have been reported by other MacBook Pro owners/purchasers/reviewers in order to post up my experiences.

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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

ComputerWorld review of the MacBook Pro

by Yuval Kossovsky

MARCH 09, 2006 (COMPUTERWORLD) - In my first look at Apple Computer Inc.'s new MacBook Pro (see "A hands-on look at the new MacBook Pro"), I promised a more comprehensive look at the laptop once it began shipping. I spent last weekend using this 2.16-GHz Intel Core Duo machine, and while I am still not fond of its name, I have grown to love the hardware.

Rest of the review here

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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Switcher Resource: Mac OS X

In a similar vein to my last post, I have stumbles across a whole series of articles entirely devoted to 'Switching to Mac OS X'. Although aimed at traditional Mac Users making the transition, there is a lot good info.


Utilities for Switching on the Cheap

Using PC Peripherals on the Mac

Ease into the Switch

Mac OS X Switcher Stories

I've Switched from Windows, Now What?

Click here to

Interesting article from another switcher

I found this article on talking about somebody else's experience in switching from a PC to a Mac. While some of it gets a little technical, it is definitely worth a read....

From iPod to MacBook Pro: A Switcher's Tale

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Saturday, March 11, 2006

MacBook Pro: First week anniversary

Today marks the end of my first week with the new MacBook Pro, and in fact is the end of my first week as a Mac user. So far everything has gone pretty well.

I have been able to navigate my way around the MacBook Pro pretty well. I did spend some time having a look through the Switch 101 info on the Apple site, but to be honest, most of the operations on a Mac are pretty straight forward and haven't needed to much support.

I have has a couple of issues during week 1, but these relate to non-Apple software/hardware:

1: I haven't been able to get my MBP onto the Wanadoo LiveBox wireless I have set up at home. While I can detect the network, I can't get it to join the network yet. I am still researching this online as it works with the network cable, but if anybody has any suggestions, please feel free to leave comments.

2: I have been trying to set my BlackBerry up to synch with the MacBook Pro, but again, I haven't been able to get the software to detect my BlackBerry when it is connected via USB.

While these issues are not critical, it would be nice to get everything up and running.

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Sunday, March 05, 2006

MacBook Pro - Public Service Announcement

The Apple stores in London have got MacBook Pros in stock now.

The Brent Cross store has a waiting list and all the notebooks that they have received are already accounted for so you will just have to put your name down and wait.

The Regent street store has the 1.83 models in stock with no waiting list. This is where I got mine yesterday, so unless you are waiting for the 2.0 MacBook Pro (which they do not have in stock in yet) I would suggest you give them a call and head over to Regent Street. I don't have any info on re-sellers and other non-Apple stores.

If you are waiting, I hate to rub it in, but these MacBook Pros are great. As a first time Mac-buyer, I am getting used to the change, so far, everything has been pretty straight forward. I am not much a manual reader so I have been playing around, but I think I am going to have a look through the 'switchers Guide' on the Apple site over the next couple of days.

Good luck to anybody else in London trying to get their hands on one of these babies......

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Saturday, March 04, 2006

Another Good MacBook Pro Review

Come across another good review of the MacBook Pro. This one is by Jacqui Cheng from

This is a in-depth review with some a good Performance and Benchmarking comparisons stacking the MacBook Pro up against it's predecessor and a Dell notebook.

The test model is a 1.83 Ghz (with an upgrade to 1Gb RAM).

Review can be found here

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MacBook Pro: UK vs US Prices

Having lived in the UK a long time, I appreciate that prices are higher over on this side of the pond. Nothing seems to have changed with the release of the MacBook Pro.

Looking at the US and UK Apple stores:

UK Apple Store

1.83 Ghz Intel Core Duo - £1,429 ($2,505)
2.0 Ghz Intel Core Duo - £1,779 ($3,118)

US Apple Store

1.83 Ghz Intel Core Duo - $1,999 (£1,140)
2.0 Ghz Intel Core Duo - $2,499 (£1,425)

I have used for the currency conversion where the rate was - £1/$1.753)

Apparently it is all to do with volume. Apple don't plan on selling as many units over here, hence the difference in price.

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Thursday, March 02, 2006

Good Review(s) of the MacBook Pro

For one of the best reviews I have found of the 2.0 Ghz MacBook Pro, have a look at Jason Snell's piece at


If the review itself isn't enough for you, there is also an extended piece including other notes and work that didn't make it into the final review available here:


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Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Love this site.....

When I started searching online for information on the new MacBook Pro, I cam across this site made by somebody lucky enough to have received their notebook already (the site is made on a Mac too). I love the fact that this guy has taken pictures as he unboxes the new notebook.

Check out the way even the manuals are laid out perfectly for the pictures.

I don't know about anybody else, but I don't recall seeing this kind of a response from people for many PC notebooks......

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Maybe it's time for change

Apart from a couple of hours in Information Technology classes at school (a number of years ago now), I have always used PCs. From an old 386 desktop I have been through various desktops to end up on a company Dell notebook that gets used for both work and everything else. However, having decided to buy myself a notebook of my own, I have found myself drawn to the idea of making the switch to a Mac.

While I have always admired the form of the PowerBook line from a distance, I had never really looked too deeply into the possibility of switching sides. However, the release of the MacBook Pro has prompted me to look at this as a realistic option (maybe it was seeing the pictures of the new machine......)

Through this blog, I plan to log my experiences transitioning from a PC to a Mac. While not being entirely selfless, I am also hoping to get help and comments from other people that have made the switch before me to reassure me that I am making the right choice.

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