MacBook Prose

Saturday, March 11, 2006

MacBook Pro: First week anniversary

Today marks the end of my first week with the new MacBook Pro, and in fact is the end of my first week as a Mac user. So far everything has gone pretty well.

I have been able to navigate my way around the MacBook Pro pretty well. I did spend some time having a look through the Switch 101 info on the Apple site, but to be honest, most of the operations on a Mac are pretty straight forward and haven't needed to much support.

I have has a couple of issues during week 1, but these relate to non-Apple software/hardware:

1: I haven't been able to get my MBP onto the Wanadoo LiveBox wireless I have set up at home. While I can detect the network, I can't get it to join the network yet. I am still researching this online as it works with the network cable, but if anybody has any suggestions, please feel free to leave comments.

2: I have been trying to set my BlackBerry up to synch with the MacBook Pro, but again, I haven't been able to get the software to detect my BlackBerry when it is connected via USB.

While these issues are not critical, it would be nice to get everything up and running.


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