MacBook Prose

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Maybe it's time for change

Apart from a couple of hours in Information Technology classes at school (a number of years ago now), I have always used PCs. From an old 386 desktop I have been through various desktops to end up on a company Dell notebook that gets used for both work and everything else. However, having decided to buy myself a notebook of my own, I have found myself drawn to the idea of making the switch to a Mac.

While I have always admired the form of the PowerBook line from a distance, I had never really looked too deeply into the possibility of switching sides. However, the release of the MacBook Pro has prompted me to look at this as a realistic option (maybe it was seeing the pictures of the new machine......)

Through this blog, I plan to log my experiences transitioning from a PC to a Mac. While not being entirely selfless, I am also hoping to get help and comments from other people that have made the switch before me to reassure me that I am making the right choice.


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