MacBook Prose

Monday, October 29, 2007

Mac Saber 1.1

Looking through my site stats, an earlier post about MacSaber, the app that uses the MacBook's motion sensors to generate a range of very realistic Light Saber sounds has proved to be one the most popular.

The app was updated a while back (quite a while back now) and you can read about it on the iSnoop site or download the updated version here

As a reminder what is looks like when you turn your very expensive Mac laptop into a light sabre.....

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Mac OS X Leopard - Some Early Thoughts and Reviews

So the Leopard was 'unleashed' on Friday and looking around today, the new version of Mac OS X has been pretty well received. I have posted links to a selection of the reviews that I have come across so far:

Walt Mossberg - "Leopard: Faster, Easier than Vista"

CNet Reviews - "The grace of Leopard's interface enhancements makes productivity more pleasurable with a Mac, as more than 300 functional and fun features top off this update."

Ed Baig - "Leopard, Apple's new Mac operating system, hits all the right spots"

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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Upgrading to Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard

Following on from yesterday's post on the release date announcement for Leopard, there is an interesting article on looking at the system requirements to dun the latest version of OS X.

There is also a note about the Mac OS X Leopard Up-To-Date Program that allows Apple customers who purchased a qualifying new Mac on or after )ct 1st 2007 to upgrade to Leopard Free!

You can find the article here

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Countdown to OS X 'Leopard'

Mac OS X Leopard is almost here.....

The landing page at is showing a live countdown until the new OS is available for all you OS X believers out there.

Leopard ships on the 26th of October and in case you it had slipped your mind, the latest version of the Mac OS boasts over 300 new features including:

- An updated Finder allowing you to browse your files like your music with Cover Flow
- Time Machine, so you can see what your system looked like on given day in the past and restore files with a simple click
- Spaces to create custom workspaces on your desktop to stay organised and clutter-free
- Boot Camp as standard (just in case you really, really, really want to run Windows on your Mac)

and over 296 others....

The keaner readers here can pre-order their copy for the princely sum of £85 - Single User, or £129 - Family Pack (5 Users).

It is cheaper to buy from the US though (of course)


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